
There are many distractions in this hectic life we lead that keep us from doing God’s will. These distractions keep us from hearing God’s voice. Drowning out God’s voice is a ploy by Satan to render us ineffective. Jesus said in Luke 8:7 that distractions are like weeds that grow in a garden. These weeds... Continue Reading →

2018 Beginning Anew

Starting a new year and leaving the old one behind reminds me of a story I read many years ago. It’s about a little flower called the “Fire Lily”. It’s a little trumpet-shaped flower, fiery red in color. It grows in the grasslands and hills of South Africa. Setting the grassland on fire is a... Continue Reading →

A Christmas Carol

I've been under the weather with a cold and sinus infection for the past few weeks, and not in the mood to get out and experience the holiday shopping madness. I've had a lot of time to reflect on past Christmases and the excitement they brought. I remember, as a little girl, the Christmas tree... Continue Reading →

Entertaining Strangers

My dream of being a missionary came true in 1983 when my family and I moved to Brazil to work in an orphanage in a little town outside São Paulo. We rented a house from a missionary couple who returned to the United States on furlough. It was a cute little house but the windows... Continue Reading →

Ever since I read my first Nancy Drew book, I dreamed of being a writer. This was in fourth or fifth grade. I could hardly wait for “library day” when the teacher would take us into this big mysterious room full of books. I loved the smell of the library. It was the smell of... Continue Reading →

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